
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Full name Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Born February 19, 1951 (1951-02-19) (age 61)
Region South Asia
School/tradition Qadiriyya Sufi
Main interests Sufism, Islamic Philosophy, Hadith, Tafsir, Seerah, Tasawwuf, Politics[1]
Notable ideas Fatwa on Terrorism, Concept of Jihad, interfaith dialogue

Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri (Urdu: محمد طاہر القادری) (born February 19, 1951, Jhang, Pakistan) is a Pakistani Sufi scholar[2][3] and former professor of international constitutional law at the University of the Punjab.[4]

Qadri is the founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran International, a broad-based global Sufi organization[5] working in the fields of welfare, human rights and education. Its objectives are the promotion of a moderate and non-extremist vision of Islam, the establishment of good relations and understanding between communities and religions,[6] and the education of youth through "employing the methods of Sufism".[7] He also founded The Minhaj University of which he is the head of the Board of Governors, as well as an international relief charity, Minhaj Welfare Foundation.[8]

Qadri is also the founding chairman of the political party Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), although he is no longer involved in politics. Qadri spoke at the World Economic Forum in January 2011.[9]



Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri is the son of Farid-ud-Din Qadri and his ancestors belong to the Sial family of Jhang near Sargodha.[10] Qadri started his education at the Christian 'Sacred Heart School' in Jhang, a Catholic mission school, where he learnt English and was exposed to Christianity at an early age. He was specifically taught Islamic education from the age of 12[11] in al-Madina al-Munawwara, Saudi Arabia at the Madrasa al-‘Ulum al-Shar‘iyya, which was situated in the house of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari, the first residence of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad after his migration to Madinah.[11] He learnt under Mawlana Diya' al-Din al-Madani (d. 1981, aged 107) and studied Hadith from Muhaddith al-Hijaz al-Sayyid ‘Alawi ibn ‘Abbas al-Maliki al-Makki (d. 1971). Al-Shaykh al-Sayyid ‘Alawis son, the late muhaddith of al-Hijaz, al-Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki (d. 2004) who was the foremost Sunni authority of the Middle East gave all of his fathers ijazas and isnads to Qadri in written form which he had previously received verbally, as well as his own chains.[12] Qadri continued his quest for knowledge early in his life, making sama‘[13] of Hadith from the then Muhaddith al-A‘zam of Pakistan, Sardar Ahmad al-Qadri (d. 1962).[14] He also learnt from a number of other prominent classical authorities in the Islamic sciences such as the following scholars:

“Today we are lucky to be present here in connection with the birthday of a true lover of the Holy Prophet. I started teaching Shaykh-ul-Islam when he was very young but I never saw him missing his (predawn) Tahajjud and other optional(prayers)... Let alone speaking of neglecting a lesson or going absence, he never even imagined such a thing. As a student he was deeply loyal to me. The world has rewarded him by bestowing upon him the title of Shaykh-ul-Islam. Dr Sahib was a person of great humility and this quality exists in him even today and has not lessened even a little. All of this is divine grace and favour upon him. I pray to Allah for his long life and success in the Mustafawi mission.”[17]
Al-Shaykh Ahmad al-Zubaydi (whose father’s standing was such that he was known as Abu Hanifa al-Saghir) of Syria who is allegedly from the family of Imam al-A‘zam Abu Hanifa reports that he personally heard Tahir Allauddin al-Gilani referring to Tahir Qadri as “Mujaddid (Reviver of Islam)”.[20]

He studied law at the University of the Punjab, Lahore where he graduated with an LLB in 1974, gaining a Gold Medal for his academic performances.[24] Following a period of legal practice as an advocate, he taught law at the University of the Punjab from 1978 to 1983 and then gained his PhD [25]in islamic Law (Punishments in Islam, their Classification and Philosophy) from the same university in 1986 where his supervisors were Professor Dr. Bashir Ahmad Siddiqui (‘Ulum al-Islamiyya) and Justice Javaid Iqbal.[26][27] He was appointed as a professor of Law at the University of Punjab, where he taught British, US and Islamic constitutional law.[28]

Qadri was appointed as a Jurist Consultant (legal adviser) on Islamic law for the Supreme Court and the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan and also worked as a specialist adviser on Islamic curricula for the Federal Ministry of Education (Pakistan). At various times between 1983 and 1987, he received and declined offers for various high-level posts.

He has delivered more than 6,000 lectures on economy and political studies, religious philosophy, law, Sufism, medical sciences, material sciences and astronomy. Numerous lectures are available in Urdu, English and Arabic at Islamic bookshops around the world.

Qadri has himself given ijaza to a number of leading Muslim scholars, making them his students, linking them through himself back to Muhammad.[29][30]

Founding of Minhaj-ul-Quran

Qadri founded a Sufism-based organisation Minhaj-ul-Quran International in October 1981 and spent the next decade expanding it nationally and internationally.[31] In 1987, the headquarters of Minhaj-ul-Quran, based in Lahore, Pakistan was inaugurated by Sufi saint Tahir Allauddin who is now regarded as the organisation's spiritual founder.[32] The goal of the organisation is fairly broad, namely to promote religious moderation, effective and sound education, inter-faith dialogue and harmony, and a moderate interpretation of Islam employing methods of Sufism.[33] Over the past 30 years, the institute has reportedly expanded to over 90 countries. During the March 2011 session the United Nations Economic and Social Council granted special consultative status to Qadri's organisation Minhaj-ul-Quran International.[34]

Noteworthy Events

In 2006, Qadri was a keynote speaker at the Muslims of Europe Conference in Istanbul, Turkey to discuss identity, citizenship, and challenges and opportunities for European Muslims.[35]

On 31 August 2008, Qadri delievered a lecture entitled "Islam on Peace, Integration and Human Rights" hosted by Farghana Institute Manchester.[36]

In March 2010 he gained media attention for the launch of his unconditional Fatwa on Terrorism and appeared on various international media outlets including Sky News, BBC News, ITV, EuroNews, Al-Jazeera, CNN and CNN's Amanpour, CBC News, Russia Today, Al Arabiya and various other outlets.[37] He appeared on Frost Over The World and interviewed by Sir David Frost in which Qadri stated that the "purpose of his life is to bring peace and harmony in the world".[38] Furthermore, the US State Department declared the Fatwa to be a significant publication which takes back Islam from terrorists.[39]

Qadri was quoted in the American Foreign Policy magazine stating: "I am trying to bring [the terrorists] back towards humanism. This is a jihad against brutality, to bring them back towards normality. This is an intellectual jihad."[40]

In August 2010 Qadri held the first anti-terrorism camp for Muslim youth at the University of Warwick with the aim of tackling extremism in the UK.[41] The camp was organised by his organisation Minhaj-ul-Quran UK[42] which has established 572 schools, a number of colleges and a chartered university.[43]

Global Peace and Unity

On 24 October 2010, Qadri was invited to deliver a speech entitled "Jihad: Perception and reality" to a gathering of thousands of British Muslims at the largest European multicultural gathering, the Global Peace and Unity event.[44] Qadri stated in his speech: "Let me make it very clear and sound, let me remove any ambiguity that no leader or a group has any authority to declare jihad. If any leader or a group does that, it is terrorism and not jihad." He added: "it is solely the prerogative of a state authority to declare jihad and only as a matter of last resort when diplomacy and all other efforts to make peace have failed."[45]

US Institute of Peace

On 10 November 2010, Qadri delivered a lecture on "Islamic Concept of Jihad" at the US Institute of Peace, a prestigious think-tank.[46] The audience comprised senior scholars, doctors, professors, engineers, policy makers and opinion leaders etc.[47]

World Economic Forum

In January 2011, Qadri was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos on the topic of "The Reality of Terrorism".[48]

U.S. Islamic World Forum

In April 2011, Qadri was invited to speak at the U.S. - Islamic World Forum which was jointly organized by the Brookings Institution, Qatar Government and the OIC, where he spoke on issues such as integration and identity, the impact of media and politics, security and counter-terrorism, the treatment of minorities, and interfaith relations.[49][50][51] In July 2011, he gave a lecture on the issues of terrorism and integration at the Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia where he was invited by the member of the NSW Legislative Council, the Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC. The audience at the lecture comprised members of the NSW Legislative Council, ministers, politicians, policy makers, senior scholars and religious leaders, etc.[52] On 19 July 2011 Qadri appeared on NEWS LINE Australia Network where he discussed terrorism and possible troop withdrawals from Afghanistan.[53] On 23 July 2011, Qadri appeared on SBS ONE TV and cautioned Western governments about their "aid and anti-terror funding"[54]

Peace for Humanity Conference

On 24 September 2011, Minhaj-ul-Quran convened the "Peace for Humanity Conference" at Wembley Arena in London where Tahir-ul-Qadri and the assembled speakers issued a declaration of peace on behalf of religious representatives of several faiths, scholars, politicians, and 12,000 participants present from various countries. This conference was endorsed by, or received supportive messages from, the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University, Ban Ki-Moon (Secretary General of the United Nations), Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), David Cameron (British Prime Minister), Nick Clegg (British Deputy Prime Minister), Rowan Williams (Archbishop of Canterbury) and others.[55][56]

Peaceful Future of Afghanistan Conference

On 30 November 2011, Qadri was the keynote speaker at the 3-day "Peaceful Future of Afghanistan" conference in Istanbul, Turkey which was organised by the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution of George Mason University together with Marmara University and was attended by more than 120 Afghani leaders. Qadri clarified about jihad and why suicide bombings is not Islamic. He provided suggestions on how to make a peaceful future in Afghanistan by dialogue and co-operation. He pointed out that Afghans need to unite against the radicals and Taliban who are in fact responsible for the NATO occupation in the first place.[57][58]


Extremism & Terrorism

Qadri argues that terrorists have left the true, classical teachings of Islam and that their rebellious spirit of violence and religious extremism is a continuity of the Khawarij.[59] Qadri was one of the religious leaders in Pakistan to condemn the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. He has denounced and severely condemned Osama bin Ladin.[60]

Qadri describes terrorism as an "ideological infection"[61] and believes that, through his anti-terrorism summer camps, "we are fighting on the ideological, philosophical, theological and academic fronts. We are trying to educate young people."[62]

Reuters featured Qadri in August 2009 as a leading Sufi scholar who is working to bring the western youth away from extremism towards moderate Islam and to combat extreme tendencies.[63]

After the December 2009 Rawalpindi attack he was quoted as saying: "Suicide attacks are not allowed in Islam, these actions are un-Islamic, The slaughter of human beings in any religion or country, and terrorism in all its manifestations, are totally in contradiction with the teachings of Islam."[64] The same view is also held by the majority of mainstream (non-Sufi) Muslims[65] based on the teachings of the Qur'an 5:32.

Division of the World

Qadri refutes the division of the world into two categories Dar al-Islam (the abode of Islam) and Dar al-harb (the abode of war) and that the west is the latter;[66] Qadri instead divides the world into five categories.[67] Qadri argues that the word "Dar al-Islam" actually implies "the abode of Peace" rather than the abode of Islam and that all countries under the United Nations (UN), whether Muslim or non-Muslim actually come under Dar al-Ahad (house of treaty) which Qadri says is the same as Dar al-Islam.[68]

In his 2010 anti-terrorism summer camp in Britain, Qadri further commented on the issue saying,

All these Western countries - Britain, Europe, North America, wherever you are living - since you are enjoying all rights, all freedoms according to the constitution as other non-Muslim communities are enjoying, there is no difference. And I would have no hesitation in saying you are enjoying the rights and freedoms much better than in many other Muslim and Arab countries.[69]


Muhammad Cartoon Controversy

He expressed concern when cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad were published in newspapers around Europe and sent out a memorandum called 'A call to prevent a clash of civilizations'.[70][71][72]

Fatwa on Terrorism

On 2 March 2010, Qadri issued a 600-page Fatwa on Terrorism, which is an "absolute" scholarly refutation of all terrorism without "any excuses or pretexts." He said that "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any kind of excuses or ifs or buts." Qadri said his fatwa, which declares terrorists and suicide bombers to be unbelievers, goes further than any previous denunciation.[73]

The US Congress funded think-tank United States Institute of Peace hosted Qadri in November 2010 to speak about his struggle against radicalism in Islam in light of his Fatwa on Terrorism.[47]

The Fatwa on Terrorism has been officially endorsed by Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.[74][75]

Qadri states in his Fatwa on Terrorism:

The importance Islam lays on the sanctity and dignity of human life can be gauged from the fact that Islam does not allow indiscriminate killing even when Muslim armies are engaged in war against enemy troops. The killing of children, women, the old, infirm, religious leaders and traders is strictly prohibited. Nor can those who surrender their arms, confine themselves to their homes and seek shelter of anyone be killed. The public cannot be massacred. Likewise, places of worship, buildings, crops and even trees cannot be destroyed. On the one hand, there is a clear set of Islamic laws based on extreme discretion, and on the other, there are people who invoke the name of Islam to justify the indiscriminate killing of people, children, and women everywhere, without any distinction of religion or identity. It is a pity that such barbaric people still refer to their activities as Jihad. There can be no bigger discrepancy than this to be seen on earth. It can in no way be permissible to keep foreign delegates under unlawful custody and murder them and other peaceful non-Muslim citizens in retaliation for the interference, unjust activities and aggressive advances of their countries. The one who does has no relation to Islam and the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him).[76]

—Tahir-ul-Qadri, Fatwa on Terrorism

Burning of Qur'an

On 9 September 2010, Qadri wrote a letter to the U.S. President Barack Obama in response to the controversial 'Burn a Quran Day' urging him to stop this incident from happening.[77] Qadri wrote in an article published on the CNN website: "If this event had gone ahead it would not be less than 9/11 in the sense of far-reaching consequences and after-effects." he added: "A handful of individuals, it does not matter whether they are related to mosque or church, cannot be given the right to flippantly play about with peaceful co-existence, and their so-called sentiments cannot be preferred over global peace."[78]

Islamic State

Qadri views an Islamic state as a Muslim-majority country which respects freedom, the rule of law, global human rights (including religious freedom), social welfare, women's rights and the rights of minorities.[79]

He also claims that the Constitution of Medina "declared the state of Madinah as a political unit". He also mentions that the Constitution declared the "indivisible composition of the Muslim nation (Ummah)".[80]

With respect to the Constitution of Medina, Qadri says: "This was the constitution, which provided the guarantee of fundamental human rights in our history." He believes that "a constitution is a man-made law and by no means it can be declared superior to a God-made law."[80]

He believes in the Sovereignty of God’s law, that the Qur'an and Sunnah equates to State law, and that Islam encourages political activity. Qadri sees Islam as a faith which allows political participation. He believes in democracy and human rights, and argues that rights are defined in Islam by the Qur'an and Sunnah.

Published Works

He has authored some 400 published works in Arabic, English and Urdu.[81][82] Amongst his recent works are:

The income from Qadri’s published books and DVDs and CDs of his lectures goes to his organisation Minhaj-ul-Quran International.[87]

English works include:

Political career

On May 25, 1989, Qadri founded a political party Pakistan Awami Tehreek or PAT. The main aims of this political party are to introduce the culture of true democracy, economic stability, improve the state of human rights, justice and the women's role in Pakistan. The PAT also aims to remove corruption from Pakistani politics. Its official website contains its formal manifesto.[111]

In 1990, Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) participated in the national elections just one year after it was founded. In 1991, PAT and TNFJ (Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqh-e-Jafria A shia political group ) now known as Tehreek-e-Jafria[112] signed a 'Communique of Unity' in order to promotes social and religious harmony. In another creative move, PAT for the first time in the political history of Pakistan, introduced an idea of "working relationship" between the three national political forces, PAT, TNFJ and Tehreek-e-Istaqlal.

From 1989 to 1993, Qadri continuously worked as an opposition leader tying to indicate the government's mistakes and to suggest ways for improving the situation in the political, educational, and economical fields. In 1992 he presented a complete working plan for interest-free banking in Pakistan covering all kinds of national and international transaction which was recognized and appreciated by all sections of the society including industrial and banking professionals. PAT offices were also opened in major foreign countries.[113]

Qadri continued his research alongside his political career and, in 1996, he presented a thesis on the utilization of an observatory for moon sighting based on the more recent scientific findings.[114]

He was elected as an MNA (Member of the National Assembly) of his Lahore constituent on the Pakistani National Parliament. On 29 November 2004, Qadri announced his resignation as a Member of the National Assembly.[115] Explaining his resignation he cited the President's broken promises, political corruption and blackmailing, the undemocratic system, institutional inabilities, failures of accountability, the sabotage of National Assembly, global issues including Pakistan-US relations, international terrorism and US global domination, Israeli aggression, the Iraq war, Islamabad-Delhi relations including the Kashmir dispute and Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. His 41-page resignation statement is available online to read.[116]

In a January 2011 address to a meeting of MQI’s Majlis-e-Shura in Lahore, Qadri stated that the current political system of Pakistan protects a 3% ruling elite, while the 97%, who are mainly poor people, have effectively become slaves of this corrupt political system.[117][118]

Qadri is still influential in Pakistani politics , on October 6, 2011, Supreme Court of Pakistan ordered action on Karachi violence after the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry took a suo motu notice on the appeal of Dr Tahir ul Qadri.[117][119]

On 19 November speaking to a students rally at Punjab University, Lahore via video conference Qadri requested the people to rise against the current political system like an Egypt-style revolt.[120] He urged the youth to rebel against the corrupt system and play their role like in Pakistan movement.[121] During a press conference via video conference on 24 November, Qadri stated that even 100 elections under the current corrupt political system will not bring any change in Pakistan and announced that his political party will start countrywide peaceful rallies.[122]

See also


  1. ^ Tahir-ul-Qadri's biography
  2. ^ Tahir Qadri lecture for international Sufi conference
  3. ^ "Tahir-ul-Qadri is a Sufi Muslim"
  4. ^ Qadri teaches his followers the Sufi dance
  5. ^ Minhaj-ul-Quran - a Sufi organisation
  6. ^ Merry Christmas Interfaith Festival
  7. ^ Minhaj-ul-Quran - Sufi organisation
  8. ^ Minhaj Welfare Foundation
  9. ^ Qadri at 2011 World Economic Forum
  10. ^ Famous Jhangvian!
  11. ^ Bukhari, al-Sahih, Kitab: Manaqib al-Ansar, Bab: Maqdam al-Nabi (s) wa As-habihi al-Madina, 5:67, #3932.
  12. ^ Al-Sayyid Muhammad ‘Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki, al-Nur al-Bahir fi Ijaza al-Allama al-Shaykh Muhammad Tahir (1991).
  13. ^ Sama‘: The Ulema have stipulated eight methods for the transmission and reception of hadith, of which direct listening (al-sama‘) from a Shaykh, reciting before the Shaykh (al-qira’a) and receiving permission (al-ijaza) are but a few examples.
  14. ^ Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 27.
  15. ^ Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 24.
  16. ^ http://www.irfan-ul-quran.com/quran/english/tid/41/
  17. ^ Speech by Ustadh al-‘Ulama’ al-‘Allama ‘Abd al-Rashid al-Ridwi, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flop4--7Qy0.
  18. ^ Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 23.
  19. ^ Opening of The Minhaj University by Tahir Allauddin al-Qadri
  20. ^ Ahmad al-Zubaydi, http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=4831100359231050500&q=dr+tahir
  21. ^ a b Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 24.
  22. ^ Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 27.
  23. ^ a b c Qadri, al-Jawahir al-bahira fi al-asanid al-tahira, p. 29.
  24. ^ Indian News link
  25. ^ Ph.D in Islamic Law Higher Education Commision
  26. ^ Qadri, http://youtube.com/watch?v=EsUdM6GcJbY
  27. ^ [1]
  28. ^ A Profile of Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
  29. ^ Shaykh Habib Umer receives Ijazaat from Tahir-ul-Qadri
  30. ^ Ijazah given by Tahir-ul-Qadri
  31. ^ Minhaj-ul-Quran - a Sufi-based organisation
  32. ^ Qadiriyya sufi saint Tahir Allauddin - spiritual founder of Minhaj-ul-Quran
  33. ^ Mihaj-ul-Quran - a Sufi-based organisation
  34. ^ Report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its 2011 regular session
  35. ^ About Shaykh-ul-Islam
  36. ^ Islam on Peace Integration & Human Rights
  37. ^ TV Coverage of Fatwa on Terrorism
  38. ^ [2]
  39. ^ Muslim leader's edict decries terrorism: U.S. hails 'taking back Islam'
  40. ^ Sheikh to Terrorists: Go to Hell
  41. ^ Muslim summer camp preaches 'anti-terror' message
  42. ^ Muslim group Minhaj ul-Quran runs 'anti-terrorism' camp
  43. ^ [3]
  44. ^ Tahir-ul-Qadri to deliver speech at 2010 Global Peace and Unity event
  45. ^ [4]
  46. ^ Qadri speaks at the American Institute of Peace
  47. ^ a b Tahir-ul-Qadri’s Struggle Against Radicalism in Islam
  48. ^ Indian Express
  49. ^ Participants of U.S.-Islamic World Forum
  50. ^ Tahir-ul-Qadri at U.S.-Islamic World Forum
  51. ^ Muslim Scholar to Present Solution to Counter Home-Grown Terrorism and Islamophobia at U.S. Islamic World Forum
  52. ^ Tahir-ul-Qadri at NSW Parliament House in Sydney, Australia
  53. ^ Interview With Jim Middleton News Line Australia
  54. ^ SBS TV Interview with Tahir-ul-Qadri
  55. ^ [5]
  56. ^ [6]
  57. ^ More than 120 Muslim leaders Commit to the Future of Afghanistan during International Conference in Turkey
  58. ^ Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri speaks at an international conference on 'Peaceful Future in Afghanistan'
  59. ^ Fatwa on Terrorism by Tahir-ul-Qadri | Page 41
  60. ^ Prominent Muslim Cleric Denounces bin Laden
  61. ^ Ridgwell, Henry (2010-08-08). "Muslim group holds 'anti-terrorism' summer camp". Guardian News and Media. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/aug/08/muslim-anti-terrorism-camp. 
  62. ^ "Anti-Terrorism Summer Camp Held In Britain". VOAnews. Voice of America. 2010-08-13. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/europe/Anti-Terrorism-Summer-Camp-Held-In-Britain-100649109.html. 
  63. ^ Muslim Camp draws teens to Combat extremism
  64. ^ In Pakistan, anguish and questions, The Washington Post, 2009-12-6
  65. ^ Fatwa on suicide and on praying for one who has committed suicide
  66. ^ Division of Abodes
  67. ^ Qadri divides the World into five categories
  68. ^ Dar al-Harb (Abode of war) & Dar al-Islam (Abode of Islam)
  69. ^ Anti-Terrorism Summer Camp Held In Britain
  70. ^ A call to prevent a clash of civilizations by Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri
  71. ^ [7]
  72. ^ [8]
  73. ^ Top Islamic scholar issues 'absolute' fatwa against terror
  74. ^ Al-Azhar University Certification
  75. ^ Al-Azhar University Certification
  76. ^ [9]
  77. ^ Archbishop of Canterbury joins 'Koran burning' critics
  78. ^ Quran burning legacy would have lasted generations
  79. ^ Islam and Politics
  80. ^ a b The Constitution of Madina
  81. ^ Books of Dr. Tahir ul Qadri to Read Online
  82. ^ Online Store with Dr. Tahir ul Qadri's Urdu, English and Arabic Books
  83. ^ prologue on Biography of Muhammad
  84. ^ Muqaddima-tus-Sirah ar-Rasul(Vol 1)
  85. ^ Imam Abu Hanifa:Imam al-A’imma fi’l-Hadith
  86. ^ Kitab at-Tawhid
  87. ^ Notice of his income towards MQI in his book Creation of man page 1
  88. ^ Sacred Boundaries: A Historical Fatwa on Terrorism
  89. ^ Irfan-ul-Quran
  90. ^ Beseeching for Help
  91. ^ Peace, Integration and Human Rights
  92. ^ (meanings, application and scope)
  93. ^ Creation of Man
  94. ^ Islamic Concept of Human Nature
  95. ^ and Criminality
  96. ^ Pearls of Remembrance
  97. ^ Islam on Prevention of Heart Diseases
  98. ^ Islamic Concept of Intermediation
  99. ^ The Constitution of Madina
  100. ^ [10]
  101. ^ Islamic concept of knowledge
  102. ^ Spiritualism and Magnetism
  103. ^ Creation and Evolution of the Universe
  104. ^ Islam and Freedom of Human Will Islam and Freedom of Human Will
  105. ^ Islamic Concept of Law
  106. ^ Greetings and Salutations on the Prophet (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم)
  107. ^ The Islamic State
  108. ^ The Ghadir Declaration
  109. ^ Virtues of Sayyedah Fatimah
  110. ^ Imam Bukhari and the Love of the Prophet [pbuh] (Al-Hidayah Series)
  111. ^ Manifesto of Pakistan Awami Tehreek
  112. ^ Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqa-e-Jafria
  113. ^ working plan for interest free banking
  114. ^ Moon Visibility & Sighting of the Crescent Moon
  115. ^ Qadri sends 41-page resignation to speaker
  116. ^ Statement of Resignation from The National Assembly
  117. ^ a b Present system backs powerful elite
  118. ^ Tahir ul Qadri condemns governing setup
  119. ^ Pak court orders action on Karachi violence
  120. ^ Qadri urges people to rise against ‘corrupt system’
  121. ^ Youth urged to rebel against system
  122. ^ PAT drive announced

External links